I'm 20, Finnish student, and I got my first actual paying job last year in December, as a seasonal worker at the post office. Job duration was from 11.12-31.12 December. There were a lot of issues with management there (one example is that I had 4 different bosses during that one month).
When my first pay check came in (29.12 for work period 11.12-15.12), I noticed that they've deducted 60% of my paycheck. I thought that ok, maybe management screwed this up but they'll fix it and my next pay check will have the correct tax percentage (0% since I haven't worked before). I also could not get in touch with my starting boss because she left before my contract ended, and also my contract ended on that day (29.12) since it was a Friday and there was no weekend work.
So I wait anxiously until my next paycheck, that being the 12th of January, and same thing, 60% deduction from my total. I called in, and they said there's nothing they can do, and I have to wait until December this year to get the rest of my paycheck in tax refunds. As student, it wasn't easy hearing that, and it took a while to accept the fact that 60% of my work is going to be paid a year later.
This month is when my tax declaration was sent home (basically a review on what you earned, how much was deducted and what I will expect to receive back in tax refunds). Only now I realise that what I'm getting in refunds this is year is from 2017, that means my first paycheck. Which means that my second paycheck I will only get back next year 2019. This is really hard to take in, and I really don't know what to do. I was depending on this salary, and now I was depending on receiving my 60% this year, but now it's not even that. I feel so cheated by the system. Is there anything I could do? Have any of you had experiences with trying to get your tax refund earlier?
I haven't been able to land a summer job for this year, and I feel really burned out getting rejected from so many places and now having this tax issue to deal with as well just kills all my motivation. I'm just wondering what I should do, and how I should proceed, and take the least damage, emotionally and financially, from this.
Submitted April 21, 2018 at 10:04AM by Marcznb https://ift.tt/2JgLTRN