Bought a second hand chest freezer some years back to frugally purchase produce in season and frugal priced meat.
Many mini tales of savings and frugality, BUT today's purchase was the besr savings ever.
Went to my "pal Bert's sons" grocery store looking for attractively priced protein.
The very cooperative butcher directed me to the chicken where thighs were marked down to 49¢ per pound and the stocker was gleefully slapping an additional 50% off sticker on them.
10 pounds of chicken for $2.50.
I took 14 packages and saved $130.
I paid $75 for the freezer 10 years ago and it has paid for itself dozens of times.
Get a small chest freezer, learn to blanche veggies and buy meat right.
Frugal doesn't have to mean skimpy.
June 08, 2018 at 11:23PM