My sister and I have owned a house for the past decade or so. We didn't intend to be here together this long. Now we're trying to go our seperate ways. I'm keeping the house, she wants to move out. Earlier this year we intiated a refinance - and because our financial situations have changed. I was able to take full ownership of the house, during this refinance we chose to keep the equity in our home (perhaps ignorantly). We've split the finances 50/50 during the time that we've owned this house. Now that she's no longer on the loan my sister wants to move out, and she feels like I owe her something before she can do so. I also feel like, I do owe her something, but neither of us is sure where to start. We both split the down payment but we kept the equity in during refinance... What do you think is fair to both of us?
Submitted June 02, 2018 at 05:55AM by Buckshort91