I’m unsure of how many golfers we have on this sub, but as a young guy living on my own I’ve definitely learned how to save a few bucks playing a game that’s commonly known as a rather expensive hobby. First step is BUY BALLS ONLINE. I’m a relatively skilled player, but the balls I use are only 50 cents a piece in mint condition. There are numerous websites that offer free shipping with bulk orders over a certain $ amount and I’d highly recommend that. Another good tip is touse golfnow or similar services to book tee times as well as making use of twilight specials. Most courses in my area offer deals after a certain time of day (anywhere from 2 to 5 pm). Finally, another equipment tip is to use plastic tees. They don’t break, so you won’t have to scavenge around for broken tees on par 3s anymore. A good tip with plastic tees as well is to get a brighter colored tee that doesn’t blend in with the grass where you play Incase a tee for some reason goes wild after a well hit drive. Hope these can be of some type of help to everyone!
May 26, 2018 at 01:43PM