Hello, I am in a bit of a family fanancial situation. While I was going to college my mother claim I was "too depressed" to work or go to school and was collecting SSI using my infomation. After I graduated, I started working to save up some money and move to a larger city that may have work in my field.
This job reported a income to SSA. After a year, I recieved a letter from the SSA stating I owe $9000 dollars. Now, I have always been very careful with my identity information. So, I called them and found out my mother was the payee of the account. I reported I had never received this money, and they mail me paperwork to sign and mail back to them.
After this was done, I called my mother and told her if she used my information like this again, I will report her myself. This previous week I applied to an apartment in the closest metro and I have an interview with a company there next week. However, I was declined for the apartment and when I asked why, she mentioned a mortgage on my credit report. My mother recently just purchased a new house...
So, I need to know how to look up what is on my credit report and properly filed the correct identity theft reports.
As for anyone saying I am being too hard on her, you don't know her. She is the most stubborn woman I have yet to meet, and still insist that $9000 is my responsibility that I dump on her...
Submitted April 13, 2018 at 11:59PM by LeoparaQueen https://ift.tt/2GXI3fN