Currently trying to figure out what to do with my husband’s job situation. Here’s the rundown:
Our current situation:
-Just had a baby last month
-I work and make approximately $4.5K a month (varies because I am paid per visit as a home health SLP)
-Our expenses monthly are ~$5k
-Not much in savings and would like to buy a house in the next 5 years
-I have $30K in student loans from my masters which i graduated from in May
-No other debt
-I can add me and my child to my work’s health insurance but it is way too expensive to add all three of us. And the plan has a rather high deductible/OOP.
-husband’s degree is communications and business and he is 2.5 years graduated
Current job:
-2 years at company
-Net pay after tax and insurance deductions is $2.4K
-AMAZING health insurance that kept us out of medical debt this year between several hospital stays. We are all on his insurance.
-it’s an airline, so we can travel for free
-decent retirement
-is looking for a new job internally that could potentially come with up to a 12% raise (company’s max allowance for lateral movement)
Potential Job:
-Found through a friend so we have some idea of pay and benefits though he hasn’t been offered a job yet
-sales, so anywhere from $3-7K a month
-benefits are not great (our friend doesn’t have his wife on the insurance because it’s too much to add)
-this is not the only potential job, he could continue looking. I’m just not sure what he could find that would have such great benefits. Also worried about a gap in benefits between current job ending and potential new job starting.
edited for formatting
Submitted October 30, 2021 at 10:42AM by rock_fact