This is my first time posting here so my apologies if this isn't the right sub for this question.
Some of the relevant details: I live in Silicon Valley. That should probably explain a lot on its own. I bought my town home in 2012 for $430k. I currently have a little under $300k left on the loan. It's a 30-yr fixed at around 3.875%(if I remember correctly). I'm paying around $1400/month for the mortgage. An identical town home in my complex just sold for $1,225,000.
So I have a whole lot of equity in my house. I'm a first time homeowner and I've heard I'm supposed to "make my health work for me" but I don't really know what means or what to do, if anything. What options do I have?
I'm about to go to bed right now but I'll respond to any questions that people might have tomorrow. Thanks for any helpful advice!
Submitted April 22, 2018 at 03:45AM by TallGuyG3