Hello all,First time poster here, which coincides with me being a first time homeowner. We moved into our new house a little over a month ago and are in the process of getting everything sorted. One of the projects recommended to us by our home inspector was to anchor down the freestanding bar in the basement so it won't tip over.I've done a decent amount of research and most advice I've found involves drilling through a baseboard on the bar -- of which there is none (see pictures below.) We did not build this bar, it came with the house. With its top heavy design and small bottom, it's already relatively wobbly. We worry once drinks get involved and people lean into it, there could be a disaster.We're not the most handy of folks, so using a concrete drill or whatever to get into the actual floor is likely out of the question. We originally thought we could anchor it into the wall, but it's just wood paneling so that probably won't work.We went into our local hardware place and asked for some advice. It was suggested to us that we use Liquid Nails Heavy Duty Construction Adhesive to essentially just glue/cement the base of the bar onto the laminate flooring. We don't need/want the bar to be mobile, so that's not a real issue for us.Before actually doing it, I wanted to research online if this was a good idea or not, and I found NOTHING about using this kind of adhesive to secure a bar. Our biggest worry is that if someone gets drunk and pushes into the bar with enough force, it could tip over and potentially rip up the laminate flooring. But again, my wife and I are brand new to this so perhaps our logic is terribly flawed.So I wanted to check here to first ask if the liquid nails construction adhesive was a good idea and would work fine. And if not, if there were other suggestions on how to secure this thing.Thanks in advance.Picture of the bar itself: http://ift.tt/2BTMvNC of the bottom/inside of the bar, to show how little of a "baseboard" there is: http://ift.tt/2BnI7FR adhesive that was recommended to us at the hardware store: http://ift.tt/2BRPoia via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2EzHSJA