In 1992, Carlin gave the following routine in one of his stand-ups:
“I'm a bit perverted, but it amuses me that no one can really trust the water anymore. And the thing I like about it the most is, it means the system is beginning to collapse, and everything is slowly breaking down. I enjoy chaos and disorder, not just because they help me professionally, they're also my hobby, you see, I'm an entropy fan. I'm an entropy fan, when I first heard of entropy in high school science I was attracted to it immediately. When they told me that in nature all systems are breaking down, I thought what a good thing, what a good thing, perhaps I can make some small contribution in this area myself.
And of course it's not just in nature, in this country, the whole social structure just beginning to collapse, you watch, just beginning now to come apart at the edges and the seams. And the thing I like about that, is that it means it makes the news on television more interesting,... The planet will be here for a long, long, long time after we're gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, cause that's what it does. It's a self correcting system..." The decay and disintegration of this culture is astonishingly amusing if you are emotionally detached from it... I sincerely believe that if you think there's a solution, you're part of the problem. My motto: Fuck Hope!”
The biggest line that stands out to me is "The decay and disintegration of this culture is astonishingly amusing if you are emotionally detached from it". Since starting the simple living lifestyle, I've started despising things like materialism, the "rat-race", and greed. So whenever I see something about a big retail store going out of business or a big organization getting caught up in a scandal (i.e. the Apple battery thing or the events of the NFL movie "Concussion"), I smile a bit. It means there's one less place to buy material things, or one more poop-smear on the face of a large, money-driven organization that will eventually help cause it to fall.
Does anyone else share a similar mindset as me?
Submitted January 01, 2018 at 03:45PM by KennedyTwpFirebender