Hi, I'm recently deciding to move out of my parent's for the first time. I'm planning to move to a college town and attend a university, also for the first time. I'm stressed to the max about money and whether or not I'll be able to afford it. Here are my finances: Possible Rent: $350-500 + Utilities Car PMT: $250 Car Insurance: $180 $$ for Food, gas, and other expenses that I probably won't expect.
Right now I'm waitressing at a small restaurant making on average $40-$100 a shift. I am also a CNA PRN and make around $10-11. But I don't like working as a CNA and prefer waitressing when I can.
I've thought about selling my car and buying a cheaper car so that I'll have smaller payments and lower insurance. Should I do that?
Will I be able to pay for this? Will I have to work more than recommended with school? Should I sell my car?
Submitted January 17, 2018 at 11:49PM by AlwaysInMyBed http://ift.tt/2DKp1ZK