Hello Personal Finance
I recently signed an 8 month lease at my apartment at the start of November. My goal was to start looking at houses around February next year but I like to lurk on Zillow, trulia, and realtor. I found this amazing too good to be true house on Zillow. It was an amazing price for a great location near my job. It was also a new construction. Most of the new construction townhomes around the area were 300-500k and new construction houses were 400-700k. This little gem was 350k new construction house and it was fairly big. One of my buddies thought there was a high tension power line near by that was dropping the value of the house we did a google map search and couldn’t find one at the address. I told my parents about this great deal and told them it just can’t possibly be true but apparently a close friend of theirs did find a similar house for that price in that area as well. Should I hire a realtor and tell them go check out this place? What steps should I take? I’ve saved up quite a bit for a down payment.
Submitted December 03, 2017 at 10:18AM by RedditfalconFan822 http://ift.tt/2zXtzgn