I am the manager of my company’s CRM database system. I generally get accolades, especially by those higher up at the firm. I was told by the head of my Dept that they see me in an “executive leadership” position. I have a feeling that my boss is feeling somewhat threatened by my movement, especially since I am being mentored by people above his level.
In January (after annual raise and review), I was given a “team” of one person under me, who manages financial transactions. Previously she was reporting to my boss. Managing her takes up at least 20% of my time and attention in an unrelated scope of work. In addition, my raise at year end was 3%, no more than cost of living, if you ask me. 5% including annual shareholder bonus. I asked my boss about why it was so low, he said company was being stingy because of new President Trump (economic uncertainty) and we’d revisit in a few months. If comparing my current title, I am at approx 20K below avg salary.
Since then, we’ve decided to add another team member under me. I also manage a consulting firm relationship and will be managing a temporary consultant. After a few months in my "new role" I revisited the pay conversation. My boss told me that we don’t give raises or promotions unless a major reorganization happens. He kept emphasizing that they only acknowledge growth at year end review and that they consider bonus as part of my salary (so I’m not underpaid according to him). To make matters worse, the base rate of this new hire (with several years less experience, not manager role) is set at only $9k less than mine. Oh, and, I am the only manager in my dept who does not have an office.
I have a regular meeting with one of my mentors tomorrow (my boss’ boss). I would like to bring this issue up. I am not sure if it’s appropriate, as it almost seems like I’m going over my boss’ head. I am prepared to show evidence of average salary for my role, and advocate that I should be earning more since I manage the finance role and will be growing the team with new responsibilities.
Do you think this is a bad move? Please share any advice to help me navigate this respectfully. I’ve already approached my boss 2x. I’ve typically been promoted with title change + salary increase without having to bring it up at other companies.
TLDR; Began managing a new team with new responsibility, no change in pay. Now am accepting even more responsibility and more team with no change in pay. Boss has no plans for raise or title change it seems until annual reviews. I don’t want to keep doing 200% of the work for 3% in a cube. Halp!
Edit: Also want to add, this is in Financial Services in NYC. Mid-size boutique firm known for being the leader of our niche within the industry.
Submitted October 12, 2017 at 07:28PM by salesforceredditor http://ift.tt/2g6k8iu