My Uncle and Aunt are about to go homeless and don't have any sort of solid plan to support themselves or my three cousins.
Some Backstory:
My Uncle (Around 51) and Aunt (Around 45 maybe?) are two functioning addicts who for years have struggled to get their lives together and function well in society. My Uncle has a long criminal record with many drug related offenses (selling and most commonly possession of mostly PCP) and my Aunt has a few offenses for DUI (she's an alcoholic). They're kind people but never grew up with any guidance and I'm trying to figure out a way to get them on their feet if that is even possible.
They have been living with my grandmother for years now ever since my Uncle got out of prison (he's a felon). She only has a social security check coming in which has not been enough to pay her bills and her mortgage is years behind. She has a soft spot for my Uncle since they have had a close relationship but has suffered tremendously from the stress and unhealthy habits he has brought onto her for years. Well...this is over now. My grandmother has recently shown her signs of age and was recently put into a nursing home since the house is about to be auctioned off. My other uncle who has been put out of the picture but somehow got power of attorney with his lawyer has been taking control and making things happen like never before. In the past, they have lived with her and taken her money and taken advantage of the fact they can live for free with my grandmother but this is over.
My first move my other Uncle made was putting my grandmother in a nice nursing home and the second move was made today by turning off the electricity in the house. Now my Uncle and Aunt are sitting in a house stranded and confused about why the electricity isn't on and only my parents and I know.
The electricity is off and the home will soon be taken from them. Just to restate, my Uncle has a long record and so does my Aunt to a degree but my Uncle has made decent money for him doing construction and it's important to take note that my Aunt gets a check from the state every month for her kids. I think it's around $1,200.
- How does my Uncle find a job and a place to stay?
- Is renting a room possible for a felon?
- Is there any resources to help him manage his money he should use?
Thanks for the help.
Submitted June 20, 2018 at 10:27AM by kyledbusey