Hello DIY, I am trying to get some help planning how to make a pad for a storage shed I will have built. I am going to pour footers for the 6x6 posts for the base of the shed. Eventually, I am going to add a retaining wall and back fill to level out the yard. For now, I don't want to just build the shed on the piers alone because it will be difficult to fill in under the shed after it is built. I have seen some shed companies websites where they recommend building a pad out of gravel with pressure treated 4x4s to hold it in. Something like this: http://ift.tt/2jEjFc8 this be a good idea for a temporary holding the gravel in underneath the shed until I can afford to build the retaining wall and back fill? Concrete would be better imo but I cannot get a cement truck into my back yard. Can you recommend another option? This will be built in San Antonio. Thank you in advance for your help.The slope of the yard is about 2.5 feet over 10 feet. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2yXTz6S