So in June I bought 2 tickets to a concert on Ticketmaster. My wife and I drove 500 miles to the concert last Friday and then when we get into the arena we find that the seats we purchased have been blocked off and folded down. We spoke with 4 ushers and finally all they could figure out was to place us in folding chairs about 20 rows back in a back aisle. We missed the opening act and sitting in an aisle wasn’t exactly the most enjoyable with constant traffic. I called Ticketmaster that night from the show and all they told me was to talk with an usher.
So we get home and I call Ticketmaster since I was sold seats that ended up not existing. They say they have to forward it to the venue and they will contact me. Venue contacts me. I provide picture of inaccesible seats and ticket that supervisor (usher in fancier vest) for the section initialed to show to any other usher that questioned why we were in the middle of the aisle. After days of back and forth the venue insists that I must have been looking in the wrong aisle (apparently 4 other usher couldn’t find the seats either) and no refund would be given. They offered tickets to the minor league team that plays there that I refused since we live 500 miles away. Call Ticketmaster back and they say it shows the venue offered compensation and nothing they can do.
So at this point I’m planning on disputing the charge with the credit card company and was going to file a complaint online with the state attorney general in the purchasing state and venue state. I have never disputed a charge before. This is a legit reason for the chargeback process right? Also is the complaint to attorney general office reasonable or just a waste of my time and theirs? I really expect to get nothing out of that part but figure if enough people complain about similar instances maybe it will get looked into someday.
Submitted October 28, 2017 at 03:46AM by nyccfan