To start, I’m in Ohio, and wondering if I’ll be granted unemployment.
I was hitting all of my goals and have many documents/emails that prove it. Also, I have emails saying I need more support in order to perform certain additional asks (e.g. analyst support, budget support).
My boss said I’ve had unexcused absences. To be fair, I did take a few long lunches early on, trying to work out during lunch, and my boss sat me down to tell me. It wasnt an official warning, and I never did it again. I have an office job, but I was offsite working one day at a property of ours, and my boss took that as another unexcused abense and put me on a 30-day performance plan. I have proof I was working offsite. In this plan, it said “how many warnings were issued...1,2,3,4,Final Warning” and the “Final Warning” was checked.
I signed the 30-day performance plan only as a “receipt of acknowledgment”. If you ask any fellow employees and/or other leadership, they’d say I was a great worker. I’ve already gotten multiple people voluntarily saying they’d be a reference.
Basically, my boss didn’t like me, and found any way possible to fire me. They gave me 2 weeks severance. I haven’t signed the final paperwork. Can I negotiate longer severance and ask if they contest my unemployment? Lastly, any way to negotiate that I wasn’t fired for future company’s that do a background check.
Thanks for all your help. I’m happy to provide additional details.
Submitted October 04, 2017 at 10:38AM by CRich19