My husband and I have health issues that require about $400-$500 in meds each month and 2 to 3 dr. visits to manage. Without treatment we can't work. I'm currently a sahm, and have been for the last 11 years, I'm trying to find some kind of gig work that will bring in extra money but my youngest just started full time school a month ago. My husband makes just barely over the threshold for expanded medicaid.
OK, so his company's "affordable" health care option is a health savings plan with a $12k deductible. Meaning we would be paying for our meds out of pocket every month most of the year plus dr. visits. The next plan (BCBS), the one we have, is a $400 per month with a $400 deductible, and a small co pay on the meds. So either way we're paying $400 a month for our health care and we can't afford it. We were barely making it and then his company restructured how the bonus pay was earned and he's now bringing in about $300 less a month on top of the healthcare. We can't pay our bills anymore. We have borrowed money to make rent the last couple months. We tried the marketplace first but since they offer an "affordable" plan (that we'd still be paying $400 a month on meds using) we couldn't get the subsidies to help.
Is there any hope? any solutions that would help us afford our health care? I'm thinking of asking him to drop the insurance and just going off my meds and sucking it up since I'm not working anyway. This would cut our heath care costs in more than half.
Submitted October 04, 2017 at 10:29AM by Nothingweird