Can someone help me figure out if BK is a useful option?
I am divorcing someone who has stolen everything possible to steal from me. He used my SSN for credit cards, loans, etc. Emptied my retirement through a series of fraudulent wire transfers and faked docs.
Ive done all of the ID Theft reporting stuff... reported to the bureaus, every month I get fresh reports, and notice new fraud. I lock my credit accounts, and then I recently learned of the tax fraud -- years of fraudulent returns he filed. I'm dealing with IRS for that issue.
I reported him when I filed divorce to the local police for forging my name on checks. nothing happened. Reported the fraudulent wire transfers to Secret Service, nothing happened.
he was ordered to pay my divorce atty fees, and he has failed to do that, so my atty quit.
He let his sister use my SSN, which has resulted in a fucked up picture when doing pre-employment background checks. She used my SSN to get an ID in another state, got 2 DUI, then stole from her employer. I am now engaged with pre employment background screening companies to get that shirt removed, as well as the other state dealing with THAT series of issues.
He's not been arrested, despite delivering copies of the forged documents, affidavits from witnesses with their contact info, and this all continues.
I can't get a decent job. I am 2 years behind on car payments. I'm on my 4th application for a change of my SSN number with SSA.
I am scraping by, poor, depressed, and I'm trapped in a Kafka nightmare, but worse.
Should I file for bankruptcy?
Part of me doesn't even think it would help. BK doesn't change my SSN.
The divorce isn't final yet. He is going to keep doing this until he is arrested. It has been nearly 5 years now of this, with no sign of abating. Police don't care. the IRS has been pretty good, actually, but they're not an enforcement agency.
I don't have a social safety net. All bets for help or shelter with friends and family are off -- I cut contact with all of them when NONE OF them would help me after ex husband broke my nose and cheekbone. I'm totally on my own here. No kids.
I'm not sure what to do. I actually don't have any credit cards. Just a student loan and an auto loan, both in default. And $70k in lawyer debt.
I work under the table at a restaurant and make $1300/MO which only covers rent. I have foodstamps for food. I literally don't own anything else. I don't drive, I just park my car elsewhere once a week because I can't afford gas. I haven't given up my apartment because I know if I move, I won't find rent this cheap in my area (average rent is $2250 in my area) AND I'm unsure if I would be able to get a lease under my own name elsewhere at a later date with or without a room mate based on my credit. I don't have friends or family I could move in with or borrow from.
I'm still looking for other work. I'm filing for my AA degree this week. I may be able to increase my hours next month, or get another restaurant job until things improve.
Any help is appreciated.
Submitted October 04, 2017 at 03:21AM by throeyy