Bit of a background behind my wanting to buy a new cargo van,
My current vehicle that I use to go to work is breaking down and is a 1998, kinda not worth investing for a new transmission when the age of it will likely see it having issues down the road.
Coming in January because of many regulations changes in transportation I may not be able to get my medical card which is gonna leave me unable to keep or find work in the industry I've been in for 20+ years, however if I buy a cargo van and stay under 10,000 lbs, I do not fall into those regulations and have become like everyone else on the road (driving small vehicles).
At my age nobody will be willing to take me in a new industry, going to school and competing with people half my age for job prospects, not very good.
I have a few medical conditions that while I manage to push 3 days of work out of myself because of the long hours of my current profession, if I get a cargo van I would most likely be able work more days because hours worked will be reduced and I can work more on my schedule but be a 1099 worker.
If I don't get the cargo van, I have no debt, but risk bankruptcy if I cannot get a new medical card coming soon and with no medical card I cannot keep nor find new work without a new card, and the doctors who refuse to clear me won't put me on disability.
If I get the van I can definitely find work, the payment should pose no problem (in a perfect world), but I risk being in debt, something I've worked so hard to get out of, to me debt is toxic and I really am afraid of debt, but if I don't move while I have the ability to work, in January I may no longer be able to work losing the opportunity to secure a vehicle for work.
I am very well versed in this industry, striking out on my own is not an issue as I understand the business of the industry from many angles and have worked as a 1099 already.
I'm at the point where I need to decide, I have plans on side work, I am also going after other entrepreneurial opportunities, neither are guaranteed to pan out but they do require a vehicle that can have the ability to haul materials, is there some avenue something I'm missing to avoid going into debt I'm damned-if-you-do damned-if-you-don't feeling.
Submitted August 07, 2017 at 04:41AM by piugattuk