So we bought our house a couple of years ago. Being naive and excited to be first time homeowners we overlooked a bunch of stuff and ended up with a disaster of a house. The previous owners flipped it in the cheapest way possible where everything looked immaculate but now is starting to fall apart.One big thing is that the doors leading to the laundry room (does not have HVAC) and garage are both interior doors that do not seal (garage doors and weather stripping is a whole nother project). This is leading to high energy costs as well as uninvited friends in the form of bugs and lizards. We would like to convert one if not both doors to exterior doors but am not sure whats involved in changing the frame and weather stripping. Is this something a weekend handyman could handle themselves or should I call in the big boys?FYI. The doors currently measure 80x30 and 80x36 if that makes a difference. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2uRAQb2