I've lived in some crappy apartments and have had some crappy roommates. Seeing as I am now a graduate student, I decided to take the plunge to live by myself. I moved into a ground level apartment in a complex that has been up for maybe 3 years. I decided to pay extra to get a complex that will be worry-free. I am the second tenant in this apartment. When I moved in, I noticed a funky smell under the sink and some slight humidity. As I have continued to live here, there has been some grey/green mold pop up around most of the baseboards, next to the fridge, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, and now in my closet and even on my clothes. Now the mold generally goes away with bleach and seems to stay away but as an early diagnosed asthmatic, I do not want to deal with this shit. Also, visitors also state that my apartment is rather musty. I keep both ceiling fans on high, bought an oscillating fan, and keep the A/C at 73 which is lower than I normally like it. (this is not central air, the conditioner is a "hotel-like" unit on one end of the apt) I can not get the moisture out. http://ift.tt/2ucvl8U http://ift.tt/2vEAaWo have contacted management and they came by to "spray" the mold spots. I will call tomorrow, but what really are their options?P.S. I would rather not spend more money on electricity for a dehumidifier as this place is already diminishing my student loan funds. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2ucVdll