Part 1: My grandpa passed away a year ago and my mom got roughly $43,000. I'm only 23, so I don't have a lot of experience with this stuff, but I found out she just has it sitting in a money-market account and not actually invested (like for retirement; IRA, etc stuff). I told her I could post here and hopefully get some advice...
She said she'd like to invest about 20k of it over like a 10 year period?, and keep the other 23k relatively liquid (so being able to withdraw/use it within a week or two). How should she go about doing this?
Part 2: My mom (62) has ~$266,000 in her 401k retirement account, step-dad (63) has ~$800,000 in his. Mom doesn't work anymore; step-dad is retiring in the next year or two. They also recently told me their 401ks are distributed up with roughly 2/3 in stocks, and 1/3 in bonds. Again, I'm no expert, but from what I've read here on PF, it seems like for their age, they have WAY too much in stocks (stocks being more risky compared to other investments?). Shouldn't they move around their 401k retirement investments to at least something more like 1/3 stocks and 2/3 bonds, and maybe some other stuff?
Any thoughts/advice are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
EDIT: Not sure how to tag this one, so I just did retirement; it's a mix of investing, retirement, savings, etc.
Submitted July 22, 2017 at 02:49PM by tempy4