Disclaimer: I am a moderator of /r/ZeroWaste and was given permission by the mod team to post here.
I feel that our subreddits have a positive overlap of being more focused on behavior and living more consciously. /r/ZeroWaste is a great community for exploring deeper into ways of reducing your waste and your footprint on the world.
The sidebar description:
The term Zero Waste means that we strive to send zero discards to landfills or high-temperature incineration facilities. Instead, we promote the best practices of waste prevention, recycling, and composting.
This community is for those who are interested in or currently living a zero or low-waste lifestyle. We are responsible consumers who buy in bulk, avoid disposables, carry reusable water bottles, and bring our own lunches.
It is still a smaller subreddit (but has grown significantly in the last year!) and has plenty of insightful discussions and ideas.
You should take a look!
June 13, 2017 at 10:13AM