My dad was our main provider. He will not be able to provide for a couple of years. I have a part time job that pays me 11 dollars an hour. I make anywhere from 450-600 dollars every two weeks. Depending on how many hours I work. Mom makes around 600 every two weeks I believe. Rent is basically 900 dollars. I'm not sure insurance cost it might be around 550. I'm not sure on the prices of electric, water, gas, and cable (cable phone and internet.). We have 3 cars. Need 2 one for my job one for my moms. I will be graduating from high school on the 21st. I am 18 years old. I have 1000 dollars in the bank. What do I do now? I'm not sure if I'm missing any details. I was thinking of either asking for full time at my current job where I might get a raise to 12 an hour. Or keep my part time for the afternoons and work construction through out the day, I have messaged a friend who works construction and will be seeing how much he gets paid. What do I do with my life now. I didn't know before anyway but now I need to decide. Can I still go to college and provide for my mom and 2 sisters. Is college out of the picture? I don't even know what I want to go for but I need to go for something. I need to do better in life. I can't be stuck at this level. Please advise me. I might be missing some details. I appreciate all replies.
Submitted June 13, 2017 at 12:26AM by whatdoidonowthanks