In about three years I managed to pay off a little over $20k in debts while making about $13 an hour. I apologize about the dollar amounts not appearing on the graph as I omitted them last year when I first took the screenshot and I lost my HDD containing my budget so all I have now is this screenshot. At the start I was making $12 an hour, by the end it was around $13.50. The loans in question were a car loan and three student loans. Red bars are my debts and blue bars are my cash accounts (including retirement IIRC).
August - Started the battle
February - Earned my buffer
March - $1000 Emergency Fund
July - Saved up for Christmas!
September - Switch to bi-annual car insurance
November - Saved up all of next year's renewals (insurance, car tabs, etc)
March - Completed Car Repair fund
April - Completed Medical fund
May - Saved up for Christmas!
October - Paid off first student loan
January - Paid off second student loan
March - Paid off third student loan
June - Paid off my car
Since I started I've been a big proponent of budgeting. My old line of work was with a lot of teens or early twenties who constantly told me that they didn't make enough money to budget. Hopefully this changes some minds on it; anyone can budget if you try.
Submitted May 13, 2017 at 10:41AM by SparkleFritz