I'm 21 and my parents get on me about building my credit. "You gotta build your credit, it's very important in life to have good credit, you want to be homeless? you need good credit to buy a house one day, or a new car"
Got tired of the nagging so I got myself a credit card. My parents are both baby boomers and only my dad can understand my frugal lifestyle because in ways, he is very frugal as well.
I don't agree with the having to spend money on my credit card in order to build credit is a good way of proving to loaners that you are good with financial decisions. Why do I have to spend to prove I'm good with money? Seems counterproductive to me...
Are there ways to build my credit without spending money?
Also, I refuse to buy gas on credit, I'm not spending more on gas than I need to. To me that's a really good way to waste money.
March 02, 2017 at 09:41AM