I have known this family since I was in 7th grade (sophomore in college now) and they are decently close family friends. I sold my trumpet to their daughter because she needed a new one and I switched interests in college. I dropped it off 3 days ago and that first night the daughter messaged me and said how much she loved it and that they were definitely buying it, a sentiment that was echoed by the mom who I have also been texting. After dropping the horn off I figured I would just leave it there and let her use it because I'm a nice guy and trust(ed) them. I also had to go back to school because they live an hour away from my school and I had to get back to school. However, after I dropped it off basically all communication has stopped and I've had to pry information and updates out of them all from me texting them first and now I'm the one that feels bad for asking for the money when I deserve it and need it for what I sold to them! They were aware I was selling it to them and not loaning it because we agreed on a price. I feel like it would be a little different if it was like $20 or something but it's a thousand dollars for goodness sake. I also will be using the money to buy my new video editing rig which I need for my job so not only is it costing me money, it's also annoying to the owner of the pc I'm buying because I keep having to tell him to hold on while these people are dragging their toes. I don't know what to do so any advice would be amazing. Thank you Edit: I should should say that the mom works at the school at which I go to so the opportunity to pay me is there but she isn't even trying.
Submitted March 21, 2017 at 09:45AM by swil9607 http://ift.tt/2mLz46v