Using a throwaway account.
My wife and I’s financial situation has been incredibly difficult for the last 9 months. We have 3 kids. She left her job in October of ‘22 due to the work environment and didn’t start working again until late February. Her mom passed away suddenly in January of this year. My aunt passed in March. I was diagnosed with an illness in mid April. I was laid off this past Wednesday due to my company making cuts. All of this lead us to burn through our emergency fund.
Back in March, we filed for a financial hardship as we were charged a large amount of money for an issue with our garbage disposal. Allowed for payments which was great.
Fell behind due to catching up with the fallout from the various issues. Got a 10 day demand for payment and I’m going into our property managers office Monday to pay off the past due balance. I was able to sell some items and get that covered.
However, this leaves me unable to pay this months rent. I’m utterly exhausted. I’m overwhelmed. I’m scared. I’ve never been behind on rent a day in my life (35 y/o been renting since I was 18). I don’t know what to do. Any advice appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Submitted July 09, 2023 at 12:51AM by FocusTemporary3259