Background: My parents are pretty good with money and built an empire from literally having their only savings in a tin can to having a 9 figure net worth. Having said that, they have kept pretty low key and simple. They also raised us to be relatively financially responsible and to always have our feet on the ground. We have a nice house and a few above average cars, travel comfortably a few times a year and do have big shopping sprees every now and then but nothing too crazy. My parents can comfortably afford bigger or better things but they don't want to indulge and would rather invest a lot back into the business or investments, and "future generations".
The best thing my parents have done is set us up to be able to FIRE quite young and be financially stable. With their help and guidance, my sisters and I, live abroad (we're from a 3rd world country) and live simple but comfortable lives whilst being part of the 1percent. We also work a lot and invest even more and live simple lives as our parents always keep us in check.
My question is when can I start "enjoying" my money? Because of my upbringing, I feel guilty spending my money on things that I truly enjoy. I'm always building myself and "saving for the rainy days" and for my future family but I feel like I'm not living life to the fullest or how I really want to. When is it enough or when should I stop feeling guilty. I have a low 8 figure net worth but I still live with roommates, drive an old car, and spend like I'm still in college. I want to spend (not indulge and abuse) my money without feeling guilty.
Submitted June 26, 2022 at 03:37AM by filojesus