TL;DR: When your new employer is verifying your work history, how much information does your previous HR divulge to them? Do they also verify your title, when you left or just that you worked there, and it was for X amount of years.
BTW, my apologies if I'm in the wrong sub and thanks for reading this.
Here's my situation:
I work for a factory as an Operations Supervisor. So basically that means I spend a good amount of time on the shop floor managing my mechanics, and the rest of my time analyzing our upcoming jobs, identifying bottlenecks, forecasting revenue, etc. There's been a mass exodus at my work. Not only has my manager moved to a different company, but his manager has also left for greener pastures. There's been so much turnover, that the director of my dept is meeting me in the middle. He's taking over his sub's (my manager's, manager's) work, while I reluctantly take over my manager's work. Obviously neither of us are happy with this. But what you gonna do right now? The final straw, was when I got my annual review and received a 2% increase. Inflation being +7%, means this is a net negative in salary and twice the amount of work. Definitely disappointed, but I just took it on the chin and went back to work.
I recently got a call from a manager in the customer service dept. He was seeing if I would like to work for him in a senior level. Essentially, a lateral move for me salary-wise. He said it would be a very small increase in salary, but you wfh most of the time and he's pretty flexible about coming in, in general. I'm leaning towards taking his offer. A little more money is better than nothing and I can use those wfh days to schedule job interviews around the workday. I would love to just keep doing my supervisor role, but at a different company. But I'm also worried it would raise flags for recruiters if they see me moving from a supervisor role to a senior Customer Service role. I'm not demeaning Customer Service, I'd just like to stay in my field of work, and I believe that it's a narrow pathway in my dept. I'm thinking if I just leave it off my resume, it allows me to keep my fighting chance to stay in my career path. Then, once I get to that 2nd or 3rd interview I can give them a brief rundown...
"Hey just before we start, I just want to let you know I've been working in this customer service role. Only because I wanted to wfh, so I could free up time to look for another job. Here's my real resume (hands them the "real" version resume). My sincerest apologies for omitting information, but I thought this would affect my chances in the job market. Etc."
So, here's my question: Will HR at my work confirm my time there and then confirm my title. Or, are they legally not allowed to/need to confirm nothing more than if I worked there or not.
Note: I just thought of something else, would I seem deceitful to the managers interviewing me, when they find out?
Submitted March 10, 2022 at 09:56PM by Sansansio