Moving out at 18
My family is poor physically and spiritually, toxic and emotionally draining. I live in Ottawa. I am leaving on Feb 1st with 3k saved up, a payed off car and a full time job secured. this is the budget I’ve come up with:
Monthly Salary: 2,400$ Monthly Expenses:
- 650 rent all utilities included (renting a room)
- 350 car insurance, gas, parking
- 350 food/gorcery bill
- 200 braces -125 gym membership -50 phone bill
- $500 savings
Which leaves me with a little over $150 a month to spend on miscellaneous things. I’m also not afraid to dip into my $500 savings in case of emergencies.
My budget seems veryy tight and what I’m MOST afraid of is having to move back in with family because I can’t “make” it on my own at 18 in the “real” world. If I leave that’s it. I can’t come back they will disown me and hate me for not supporting them. Has anyone moved out on a salary/budget close to mine and how did u stay afloat? What’s some advice you have for me? Should I go and thrive on my own or stay in a toxic household home to save a couple thousand each month?
Submitted January 02, 2022 at 02:07AM by Hcgoetta