Hi all,
I think about this all the time and can't seem to help myself get an answer.
I grew up poor, well I never got allowance, never ate out, didn't get gifts or things I wanted to enjoy whether it was games, and such. I hated it obviously compared to other kids ya know how that goes.
Fast forward, I graduated and now work in the cloud tech and make decent money. However I can't seem to manage it and be disciplined. A lot of the times, I tell myself that ' oh I couldn't afford this, my parents never bought me things so I deserve to spoil my self' but it seems like this is back firing crazy.
I'm eating out too much, i'm spending so much money on misc stuff ( tree, gadgets, and things like that) I also spend a lot of money trying to learn investing, crypto, nft, stocks, amazon fba and all so that's not an issue but the other stuff is.
I wish I can go back to my old self where I didn't have the need to want to eat outside or spend a single dollar on anything. spending 10$ used to be a lot for me and now i'm spending 20's and 50's like nothing.
If anyone has been thru something like this, please do share your wisdom :)
Submitted November 11, 2021 at 05:03PM by ayoubani https://ift.tt/3D7HXiU