Hello good people of R/personalfinance! So here's the thing, my husband and I are both 31, no kids yet (maybe in 2023), purchased out first home this year, both working full time.
He has been contributing 5% which gets a 1% match (woopdeedoo) for 6ish years, I am a bit of a late bloomer to my career, and have no actual retirement savings of my own....
We can easily put away $1,000 post tax to investments/retirement funds, but I am seriously struggling to understand what to actually DO next, or how to calculate if this is enough....
Every retirement calculator I find asks what my spending will be after I retire.. How the hell am I supposed to know that? I mean, I know what my current expenditures are, but I'm also making a mortgage payment right now, by the time I'm 60 the house will be paid off... So should I calculate my expenditures at 65 to be My current cost of living minus mortgage and then factor in inflation?
I found a bunch of calculators, but they all ask weird questions I don't fully understand lol plz send help
Submitted October 12, 2021 at 06:21AM by Organicfinances https://ift.tt/3asdxLo