I recently saw a few field mice in my backyard, due to the overspill from my bird feeders. Woodpeckers and towhees spill out a lot of seed when they eat. I didn't want to put a dangerous poison out in my yard because I have chipmunks out there that I love seeing. So a little research online led me to this:
1 part flour, 1 part sugar, and 2 parts baking soda is a homemade mice/rat poison. The flour/sugar attracts them and since they can't pass gas, the internal pressure build-up from the baking soda kills them. I put it out in some old mayo jar lids and after about a week, I saw no more mice. Never saw any dead ones, either, so not absolute proof that it works but anecdotally I would say it was effective.
Not dangerous to other creatures and super cheap.
September 19, 2021 at 11:12AM