I'm trying to figure out how much of a salary increase I can push for moving into a new position.
Bossman tried to convince me I could save more money as an expat than US employee. When in reality, I live at my buddy's mom's house for free (save most of my paycheck) and if I were to leave; family would likely move back in and I would not be able to return.
On the other hand, I'm very fortunate to have this opportunity to work in France. (I do not speak a lick of french). I just got back into the workforce 2 years ago after my master so my pay isn't too grandiose. Starting as a senior tech vs an engineer for which I'm qualified. The position is for a manufacturing engineer. HR wants to keep my salary the same and add a measly 15% expat bump. Now if I was all for the experience and covid wasn't a thing for travel I would jump. But im much more interested in the pay bump. Bossman said position is mine if I want it but not to expect a huge pay increase. (At the time he didn't know what HRs package included) He said go to him if I'm losing anything on the deal and he would help.
The package: A position for 1 to 3yrs. 30 minutes outside of Paris and they will provide a company car and apartment and moving expenses for my stuff from the US and back when I repatriate. 2 paid flights home per year. There's a lot of unknowns in the position and we're building the site from the ground up with a new customer. The French team and managers have yet to be picked so I don't know who I'm working for or with.
Hope this wasn't too long winded but I appreciate any feedback in advance. Thanks.
Submitted August 28, 2021 at 08:53AM by theoriginalwuji https://ift.tt/38kYsdB