Here’s the story, an I need as many unbiassed harsh opinions..
27 with two kids and a hefty amount of debt (CC is the main killer)
I will be able to kill off the CC debt in full by next August (2022) if I stay in my current role. No chance of lay off or losing job and a guarantee pay increase in November. But I am not in my career of study (HR)
I have a few job opportunities:
One with a better schedule 8-430 vs 9-530
But a pay decrease of $1-2k
New to field 90 day probation and no guarantee of job security due to pandemic
The other job offer is about the same, but with a commission scale also.
My gut feeling is to ride my current job until things from the Pandemic clear. My current job is in Telecom and is not going anywhere.
However, I fear if I don’t take the chance I may not get another in HR.
I Graduated in 2020 and took the option of the work from chance to finish my degree. If I clear the CC debt the only thing I have let is mortgage and some student loans. Clearing the CC debt will fee up $300 per month and is huge… while changing jobs could cost me $200 a month.
Submitted August 06, 2021 at 11:44AM by WhichWayDoIGoJob