So a few years ago I went to the ER with a cut that was deep enough to sever tendons. The hospital staff apparently called in a local cosmetic plastic surgeon with out my knowledge to come and repair it. I was uninsured at that point and I received a separate medical bill from said surgeons office for a little over 3k. At that point in time I wasn't financially stable enough to make any acceptable form of payment so it went to collections.
Cut to today, I'm in a better place and trying to pay off the debts I owe / build my credit score back up. The issue I'm having though is that the collector has been charging either fees or interest over the years. The debt is now currently over 8k
I was under the assumption that medical debts don't have interest or fees. Is this not the case because he was a cosmetic surgeon with his own practice? It was not an elective surgery and while I'm no longer living paycheck to paycheck, I don't have thousands of dollars to immediately drop on this. I have no problem making payments now that I'm able, I'd just much rather pay off the original amount.
I haven't contacted the collector in any way. Can I dispute these additional charges? How should I go about resolving this if at all possible?
I'm in NC if it matters. Thanks in advance for any help!
Submitted July 31, 2021 at 01:33AM by BrookCate