My company offers an ESPP. I’m told the stock may take up to 10 days to settle into the account after the offering period ends. Not sure how this is compliant with SEC’s T+2.
What’s the best way to hedge against losses during this worst case 10 day period?
I’m adverse to options as I understand they need to be in groups of 100 shares.
Would placing a short sell order during after hours the day the offering period ends be the best?
I posted this a few minutes ago but it was automatically removed by a bot due to not meeting the arbitrary minimum 500 character limit. Therefore I'm writing this not to be maliciously compliant, but because I believe my original post as written was not lacking in any required detail and effort. After all, brevity is the soul of wit.
Submitted May 10, 2021 at 10:15PM by ccbravo