I work as an for a tech company in the midwest. I am 25 years old and my current salary is 70k.
My manager is an extremely smart and qualified individual because of this it has always been expected that he will not be sticking around for long. My manager's boss has been considering who on our team could fill his role when he eventually left and I have been repeatedly told that I would be the best fit and have been trained/groomed with that in mind. Now the time has finally come, my manager has accepted a role at another company and he will be leaving within a month. From what he's told me with his discussions with our boss and director I will be asked to fill the role.
The advice I'm looking for is for a salary discussion. I know that my manager is currently making 110K with a 10k yearly bonus so about 120k a year. However I am not delusional, I do not expect to be paid the same amount because 1. He has more work experience in IT than I have been working in general. 2. He has a master's degree and I am a college dropout.
That being said, I do personally believe I am the best person to fill the role and I don't want to be doing the same work for a massive amount less. I also know that they already have that money in the budget so they will essentially be pocketing whatever is left over. The number I have been playing around with in my head is 95k(85K base +10k bonus) which would be a 35% raise and leave me at about 25k less than he's making now. I beleive this is a fair number but I want to get any advice on if I'm asking for too much/little.
Submitted March 28, 2021 at 08:51PM by reptilephantom https://ift.tt/3u76EXR