This is my first time dealing with insurance so Im not really sure what to do.
I recently had my wisdom teeth taken out and paid quite a bit up front. For the rundown, I have paid…
1) the dentist a $600 copay
2) the surgical center a $350 copay
3) my 250 deductible through medical
I recently received a bill for…
4) $300 for anesthesia
5) a $1,300 bill from the dentist
It's a lot but its #5 that is giving me the most grief. I received it because two of the teeth had "complications" and dental insurance doesn't cover that (they covered the two that were normal). I contacted my insurance company to ask why this is and they told me "There is no explanation. You have been billed correctly."
I asked if they denied it because there is was an expectation that my medical might cover it- they did not know. At the end of our conversation she suggested that I call the dentist to see what the complications were. But idk what I would do with that information, as it wouldn't change anything on the billing since its the same code, correct?
What should I do now?
Submitted March 10, 2021 at 07:44PM by Witty-Charity6194