Hello. I am a student working a part time job. I was recently paid(as in 3 days ago exactly). However, it seems that the payroll people fucked up and accidentally deposited someone else's money into my account on top of my own money. I use direct deposit. I understand that this was an honest mistake and want to give my employer their money back. However, I am uncomfortable with the way they want me to give it back. On Friday my manager told me about this and said that I have to give back the money(which is a full time salary) in cold hard cash. I was going to do so, but my Uncle(who is a lawyer and retired police officer), told me that handing the money back in cash wouldn't be smart because it would apparently mess with my taxes. My family agreed with him and told me to ask the payroll people to do a reverse transaction. with my bank(I have direct deposit). I asked my manager about this and said that I wouldn't pay it in cash. She proceeded to call me greedy and selfish and that I just wouldn't get paid in the future, until my debt is made up. To make matters more complicated, I am planning to leave my job to do baseball in two weeks and can't possibly work enough to make up my debt. I asked again for reverse transaction, which she proceeded to say that those were my only two options: to work and not get paid until my debt is satisfied, or to pay it in cash. I understand why reverse transactions are a pain in the ass, but I don't know why they are refusing to do it. I want them to get their money back but I don't feel commfortable handing it back in cash. After all, it was an honest mistake but it was their mistake, not mine. I do not know what I should do. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Just to be clear, I have not touched any of that money in my account, nor do I intend to
Submitted January 17, 2021 at 05:21PM by 2224xae12 https://ift.tt/38RYria