I'm long term unemployed because of the pandemic so can't possibly afford an eye exam any time soon (and I live with someone ultra high risk so shouldn't be cramming into an office for one anyway), and my prescription hasn't changed in 20 years anyway.
I used to order from Vision Direct in the UK, but they say as of Jan 1st there's no more ordering without a prescription. It looks like some kind of new UK policy or US greed getting our authorities to threaten suppliers (they say it's beyond their control).
Are there any other sites that aren't scams to order them from that work as of this year? Or possibly some place that offers a free online exam or something?
Advice would be very much appreciated. I'm blind as a bat without them, only have 1 left, and don't currently have glasses as a back up.
January 21, 2021 at 12:36AM