A lot of subscription boxes these days are giving away free stuff for signing up for their subscription. I got two free pairs of high quality leggings (well, I guess 12 dollars for shipping) from Pop Fit for signing up for their subscription. Then after the order ships you can go cancel the subscription at no cost. I also got 100 dollar credit to Stitch fix because a friend referred me to it. I haven't gotten the clothes yet from that and I'm a little nervous about what they will send me since I didn't pick it out myself, but I didn't even have to sign up for the subscription for that one. From what I can tell, the clothes from stitch fix are more expensive than what I would usually spend but 100 bucks is 100 bucks and one or two free items of clothing is better than nothing.
I also know meal kits offer quite a bit of credit but I haven't tried any of those. Has anyone tried them- is it worth it to take the credit?
December 23, 2020 at 07:29PM