So I left the Army in 2001 and continued getting earnings statements from DFAS. Well, I just filed them with my other documents and randomly sorted through them a few months ago. I found a bank account number as well as deposit amounts from 2001.
The issue is that the bank in question merged with Bank of America shortly after and they have no records from that far back. I checked the Florida lost funds website and even called them directly and they have no records in my name either.
I've been in touch with a fiduciary, a lawyer, Bank of America, the FDIC, and the Army and none of them seem to know how to find the money. I normally wouldn't even bother with this except that by my reckoning it's about $14k, not to mention any interest.
Does anyone know of other options I may have?
Submitted October 23, 2020 at 04:35PM by DeusEx-Machinist