So I have a couple questions. I am pretty new to all this and want to learn to be smart about my money. I have this debate with myself every month about what is the best way to pay off my debt. Maybe someone has some input?
I have CC debt of 3k. Ive gotten it down from 6k and am pretty proud of myself, but eager to keep this up. My big question is: Should I put most of my paycheck, as soon as I get it, directly toward paying the cc bill? That way I would use the cc, instead of debit, for everyday expenses- which I’ve learned from here protects from fraud and allows you to benefit/rack up the cc points and saves you from paying as much interest.
Right now, I just put what I can toward the card, but never use my cc to purchase anything (aside from my autopay bills that I pay off instantly). What do you think?
...all that said, I could be completely off base. Here’s my situation:
I have about $1.5k extra/ month depending.
Approx 22k at 6% - car Approx 4K at 2% - student loan Approx 3k at 14% - CC debt 5k at 0% - loan And... savings exists but is so pathetic I don’t even want to mention it.
All input welcome! Thank you in advance!
Submitted September 10, 2020 at 09:40PM by dad143 https://ift.tt/2F93u1Z