TL;DR: I want to know if adding my sister as an authorized user to my credit card(s) will actually help her score and a few other questions.
My credit score is 796. My sister's credit score is 645.
I have 3 credit cards - Visa (limit: $6,500, opened 2013), MasterCard (limit: $7,000, opened 2017), and Visa (limit: $9,000, opened yesterday). I also have my name on a company Amex opened in 2019 with an unknown limit.
I have one student loan with about $7,000 left on it and no other debt. My sister has a few different debts and is working on getting her finances in order. I will not be giving her the card, the goal is just to raise her score by association.
Is adding her as an authorized user on one or more of my cards likely to help her credit score noticeably? If yes, which one(s) or all would you suggest?
From what I've googled/found in this sub, there seems to be no way me adding her as an authorized user can negatively impact me (unless she ran up debt). Is this 100% correct?
Is there anything else I should know/keep in mind?
Thank you very much for your help with this!
Submitted July 02, 2020 at 07:44PM by ccthrowawayy