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I’m 18, I live with my parents and i’m going to uni in september. Should i rent a room there?

cons : - i will lose money (100€ rent +groceries)

  • all the paperwork that i have to do to get the room : fill papers, get an insurance, file for financial help for the rent, get a new ID asap, open a bank account, i know i can do all that but it is extremely stressful because there is so many deadlines and i have a lot of other stuff going on

  • I will be living alone (loneliness)

  • small (9m2)

pros :

  • I will be living alone (independence)

  • I will be near campus so less transport

I’m really stressed, and as time goes by I get even more stressed. Simple living is supposed to be stress free imo

Should i rent the room?

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Submitted July 22, 2020 at 09:10PM by merlinleroy https://ift.tt/3jvwW1o

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