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Hey! I know there's been similar posts about these things, but I want to explain my situation. I'm a university student (so I'm already financially unstable), and my phone service is ass. My siblings and I are under my mom's family plan, and we've been using T-Mobile for 5 years. You'd think at this point we'd have switched already, lol. In total, it's about $150/month, but the service is a nightmare. Texts take forever or never send (especially photos). I've had to resort to social media apps to communicate with others, but what about in a situation w/o wifi? I can never make the calls that I need to. I fear that in the case of an emergency, I won't be able to reach 911 or anyone cuz T-Mobile is being a butt.

I don't really do much on my phone except call, text, and take occasional photos. (I have a Samsung but that shouldn't be the reason as to why phone is as bad as it is.)

I still can't fathom as to why we're still under T-Mobile. My family is on a budget, so we can't afford Verizon. The only services available in my area is T-Mobile, Verizon, At&t, and Straight Talk. What would you guys recommend?

July 30, 2020 at 06:59PM

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