This has happened to me twice over the last couple of months. For one of them, I could've simply returned it to Amazon and had them deal with the seller since it arrived broken. I've heard that Amazon can penalize the seller & buyer though (cancelling accounts if there are too many returns), so I opted to contact the seller directly. The seller immediately mailed me a free replacement and I didn't even have to hassle with returning it.
Fast forward to yesterday when I had an item that was almost 3 months old that broke. Returning it to Amazon wasn't an option, but the manufacturer simply asked for a couple of pictures as proof and then also sent out a free replacement. I have no idea why I've never thought of this before.
Obviously don't take advantage of it by trying to send something back unfairly, but it was really nice and saved me about $40 in all.
July 14, 2018 at 05:33PM