So my wife and I just found out we're expecting our first child and I wanted to see what everyone here with kids thinks I should start to do financially prior to the baby being born. Thanks in advance! A little backstory on our current financial status:
-my wife is in grad school and not working (she'll also be in school up until the baby is about a year before she can work)
-I work full time and luckily have a job where I can readily get overtime but that also keeps me away from home for up to 5 days in a row
-besides our mortgage, we have no outstanding debt (both cars are paid off, no credit card debt, etc.)
- have roughly $10k in savings
-I have about $30k in a 457 in addition to a career where I'll get a pension upon retirement
-closing on refinancing our house which drops our PMI, and lowers the payment around $400/month
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 08:21PM by whiskeyandwayfarers